Our Course Offerings

Successful candidates for each exam will be awarded a certificate.



The APMG PPP Certification Program is an innovation of the World Bank Group (WBG), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and part funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) with a shared vision of enhancing PPP performance globally. The initiative is aimed at ensuring the adoption and implementation of PPP best practice. It also aims to increase skills and capacity for the delivery of PPPs.

The World Bank has appointed APMG to accredit capacity building organisations, their Facilitators/Trainers and course materials so that they can deliver one or more of the certification levels within the CP3P program.

Our Offering

Our Facilitators have extensive CP3P facilitation experience across the Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDE’s). All APMG accredited Facilitators/Trainers and companies undergo a rigorous assessment process in order to ensure they have the requisite quality, systems and capability to provide a quality capacity building offering. AA1 Academy has therefore been benchmarked against exacting standards in order for it to acquire this accreditation. Quality, innovation and service excellence are at the core of how the company designs and offers its capacity building programmes.

Course Structure

CP3P capacity building offerings are designed to equip course participants with complete competencies needed to deliver PPPs successfully.

The certification is split into three levels as below:

(a) Foundation
(b) Preparation
(c) Execution

The core facets of the capacity building are as below:

The APMG PPP Certification Program

Successful candidates for each exam will be awarded a certificate.

The Foundation exam is a pre-requisite for taking the higher level exams. Candidates can take one or both Practitioner exams, in any order, however taking the Preparation exam before the Execution exam follows the lifecycle of a PPP.

Candidates who have passed all three exams will be entitled to use the CP3P credential.

Committed To Service Excellence

We aim to provide impactful and sustainable clients solutions.